674 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of a discrete-time queueing system with customer deadlines

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    This paper studies a discrete-time queueing system where each customer has a maximum allowed sojourn time in the system, referred to as the "deadline" of the customer. Deadlines of consecutive customers are modelled as independent and geometrically distributed random variables. The arrival process of new customers, furthermore, is assumed to be general and independent, while service times of the customers are deterministically equal to one slot each. For this queueing model, we are able to obtain exact formulas for quantities as the mean system content, the mean customer delay, and the deadline-expiration ratio. These formulas, however, contain infinite sums and infinite products, which implies that truncations are required to actually compute numerical values. Therefore, we also derive some easy-to-evaluate approximate results for the main performance measures. These approximate results are quite accurate, as we show in some numerical examples. Possible applications of this type of queueing model are numerous: the (variable) deadlines could model, for instance, the fact that customers may become impatient and leave the queue unserved if they have to wait too long in line, but they could also reflect the fact that the service of a customer is not useful anymore if it cannot be delivered soon enough, etc

    Analysis of the transient delay in a discrete-time buffer with batch arrivals

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    We perform a discrete-time analysis of the delay of customers in a FIFO buffer with batch arrivals. The numbers of arrivals per slot are independent and identically distributed variables. Since the arrivals come in batches, the delays of the subsequent customers do not constitute a Markov chain, which complicates the analysis. By using generating functions and the supplementary variable technique, moments of the delay of the k-th customer are calculated

    Queues with Galton-Watson-type arrivals

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    This paper presents the analysis of a discrete-time single server queueing system with a multi-type Galton-Watson arrival process with migration. It is shown that such a process allows to capture intricate correlation in the arrival process while the corcesponding queueing analysis yields closed-form expressions for various moments of queue content and packet delay

    Combined analysis of transient delay characteristics and delay autocorrelation function in the Geo(X)/G/1 queue

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    We perform a discrete-time analysis of customer delay in a buffer with batch arrivals. The delay of the kth customer that enters the FIFO buffer is characterized under the assumption that the numbers of arrivals per slot are independent and identically distributed. By using supplementary variables and generating functions, z-transforms of the transient delays are calculated. Numerical inversion of these transforms lead to results for the moments of the delay of the kth customer. For computational reasons k cannot be too large. Therefore, these numerical inversion results are complemented by explicit analytic expressions for the asymptotics for large k. We further show how the results allow us to characterize jitter-related variables, such as the autocorrelation of the delay in steady state

    Controlling delay differentiation with priority jumps: analytical study

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    Supporting different services with different Quality of Service (QoS) requirements is not an easy task in modern telecommunication systems: an efficient priority scheduling discipline is of great importance. Fixed or static priority achieves maximal delay differentiation between different types of traffic, but may have a too severe impact on the performance of lower-priority traffic. In this paper, we propose a priority scheduling discipline with priority jumps to control the delay differentiation. In this scheduling discipline, packets can be promoted to a higher priority level in the course of time. We use probability generating functions to study the queueing system analytically. Some interesting mathematical challenges thereby arise. With some numerical examples, we finally show the impact of the priority jumps and of the system parameters